A significantly appreciable time later, if you will pardon the emphatic redundancy, I finished the second draft of Wyte. And now for something completely different (and then returning to hack it to scraps with the murderous machete of editing).
I'll just pretend like there wasn't a gap of two months without posts. I'll update as things become relevant or read-worthy, or as frequently as I can.
Other projects to work on include The Book Without a Name and Walk in the Park, possibly Blessing. Also, I may have a horror short story if I can ever figure a solid ending to it, which I suppose I would post here.
In other news, I have:
-Rediscovered Chipotle
-Attempted paddle boarding (the garish beacon of my freakishly pale, grub-like skin reflecting the sun likely caused satellite disruption)
-Become deeply enamored with red box
-An anniversary tomorrow with my wife. It's been a good year. Perhaps the night shift-induced isolation has inflicted sufficient stockholm syndrome on her, but either way she has been remarkably understanding and patient with my constant nitpicking over obscure details and my desire to slink away and write instead of attend family functions. I also have a library set up. It is magnificent.
In the realms of book-reading I have discovered that Simple Plan is a very well written thriller by Scott Smith and The Road, by Cormac McCarthy is as pretentious as... well... using words like magnificent to describe a bunch of half filled bookshelves of odds and ends that are crammed into a room more notable for its catacomb heaps of empty water bottles and the dusty corpses of vanquished frozen lasagnas. McCarthy is a fantastic writer at times, but I can only take so many. Sentence fragments. Dramatic. Emphatic. Systematic and metaphoric. Portions. Before it becomes so disjointed that immersion is impossible.
In still other news, a lab mouse is an efficient, effective snack from a caloric point of view. Feeling a little sluggish at the gym? One mouse contains about 40 calories, but approximately 4 grams of protein. This is not to endorse or encourage eating wild animals without first consulting a psychiatrist.
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